Leader: Mrs Gilmour


The intent of the PE curriculum at St Josephs’ is to encourage the children to live healthy and active lives.

We strive to improve children’s physical and mental wellbeing as well as developing important skills like teamwork and leadership.

At St Joseph’s we want the children to have a positive experience of sport and physical activity which will lead to a lifetime habit of participation.

We fully prescribe to sport being ‘one of the five foundations for building character, helping young people develop resilience, determination and self-belief, and instilling values and virtues such as friendship and fair play’. (School Sport and Activity Action Plan)

  • Ensure that children have access to at least 60 mins of physical activity every day.
  • Clear skills and progression.
  • Lessons will offer a variety of fundamental skills - agility, balance, coordination and fitness.
  • PE will offer the opportunity to develop individual skills, group skills and team games.
  • All children will be taught to swim.
  • The children will participate competitively in a range of sports both as a team and individually.
  • Physical and mental health are entwined in the curriculum. Positive association between physical literacy and increased self-esteem, emotional well-being and future aspirations.
  • A well-balanced curriculum map to offer a range of activities.
  • Lessons will be engaging, exciting and encourage self- reflection.
  • SEN children with have the support to take part and gain confidence in skills, understanding and motivation.
  • Children will become more physical fit and show an understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Children will be able to initiate, organise and officiate various activities.
  • Pupils will evaluate what needs to be done to improve and motivate and instil excellent sporting attitudes in others.
  • The pupils will demonstrate levels of originality, imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography.
  • Children will show eager participation, positive attitudes and ability to make informed choices.
  • Children will be able to swim 25m and understand water safety.